And we have reached the last issue before the summer break. What to say, we hope to have kept you company in this long winter and to have provided you with useful information. Our path was yours: to try to understand how the economic and employment situation would have evolved after the shock caused by the pandemic. Despite the encouraging signs of recovery, the country is suffering from a profound crisis that had already begun some time ago and that the covid has only caused to explode. The lack of modernization in the public administration that slows down economic processes, the low propensity of companies to provide training despite the opportunities for incentives and aid offered by the government and bodies working in the sector, the deep and structural gap between north and south, the flight of young people who do not find adequate job opportunities or who refuse exploitation, the multinationals who escape, leaving thousands of workers without income.
And then the lack of safety in the workplace. While we were trying to tackle the danger of contagion that has spread more in companies, we have still been called to cry dead. A very sad record that a civil society should certainly not have.
There are also many insights into privacy and how much its management has changed both in companies and in public bodies. We have tried not to neglect the environment whose protection has finally become a priority also for European governments, realizing that the future depends on the actions that will be completed in the shortest possible time. The planet is rebelling against man-made devastation.
In short, a path in current affairs, in information, always trying to be objective and constructively critical.
Now, therefore, in submitting this latest summer issue, we wish you Happy Holidays.