Online il n.30 PortaleConsulenti

Online il n.30 PortaleConsulenti

There are those who planned the holidays and those who, on the other hand, found a bitter surprise. Not in the mailbox, but in the mail, or even on whatsapp. By adapting to the times, the layoffs now come like this. Without warning, without having the time to consider with trepidation whether or not to open that registered letter that comes to you from the company. We used to manage the suspense, to prepare ourselves psychologically before seeing, written in white on white, shipwreck our whole life, dreams, the future of family and children. But digitization is also this. The dismissal comes like this. Worse than a shot in the face. It gives you neither time to “bite the bullet” nor to metabolize. You can perhaps pretend that the attachment scares you because it could be a virus … But often the text is not even in the attachment but in the body of the email. Or, we said, it flashes you in whatsapp notifications. There is no escape.

What is happening, despite the ostentatious optimism just before the redundancy block was lifted, unfortunately complies with the most pessimistic forecasts. And the fear that this is only the beginning is spreading even in the government of the best.

Multinationals flee and leave rubble on the ground. Will Draghi, Orlando, Todde be able to stop them? And the unions? They certainly won’t stand by and watch: they had foreseen it. For our part, we will carefully follow the evolution of what we called a “war” at the beginning.

But there is some good news. On the front of incoming resources and projects, work is being done so as not to leave the South or the local administrations behind.

After all, brilliant ideas are born from the reviled south, such as an announced revolution in public transport that is even European. There are also interesting glimpses for university education and for our young people.

The green pass is now operational. Restriction on freedom or salvation? For the moment we will only explain how it works. The judgment is yours. And many other food for thought in this issue of our magazine.

In short, as usual, good reading

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