Online il n.28 PortaleConsulenti

Online il n.28 PortaleConsulenti

The retail trade is the sector that, more than others, risks paying the price of the pandemic. The latest figures are disheartening. The collapse of small retailers corresponds to the growth of e – commerce. Signs of recovery, however, almost everywhere. As for textiles, foreign competition at low cost and poor quality is discounted, which had already put the sector in crisis before the covid. We will see how the government will address the situation in the coming months in the light of the latest data. Another central topic in this issue is the protection of privacy. New risks on the horizon and more and more interventions by the guarantor. Yet, in a world that is accelerating digitalization, it is like being engaged in a ring in which new opponents always alternate, to be faced one at a time, but quickly. You will also read about the risks for future generations closely linked to covid and pollution. An interesting study by Professor Luigi Montano clarifies the correlation between these two factors and the danger of a decline in fertility. Let’s go back to writing about safety at work. We would have liked to address the subject only from a legal point of view, but the news forces us to do something else … And we close this issue with a series of job and financing opportunities aimed above all at young people. Enjoy the reading

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