Online il n.27 PortaleConsulenti

Online il n.27 PortaleConsulenti

Training and safety. Two topics that we will never tire of writing, debating, deepening. These are issues to which the growth of the country is linked, both from a social and economic point of view. In fact, we cannot think of investing billions of resources for Recovery without taking into account the, I would say structural, gap that we suffer in terms of lack of safety and inadequate training.

And apparently the constant cry of alarm launched by the unions, which is renewed with every tragic fate, has not, so far, served to change the picture. That life is a path full of pitfalls and that at every corner a dangerous, sometimes fatal event, an “accident” can be hidden, in short, it must not lead us to resignation, to accept the status quo.

At the base there is the entrepreneurial culture and also that of the worker. The employer must focus on the safety of his employees not because he is obliged to do so by law but because he recognizes that it is an added value to his business. A fact that can accredit it, give it an extra qualitative “quid”. And the worker must no longer “postpone”, he must demand and obtain the guarantee of being able to carry out his task safely. And this is where both the unions come into play, which must protect the worker when he is forced to fight for his rights, and the state, which must absolutely intensify controls, but also make it less onerous to respect the rules. By de-bureaucratising, encouraging, rewarding, tax-freeing those who make safety an added value.
An arduous path, all still uphill…

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