Integrated advice on privacy
consulenza adeguamento privacy

Integrated advice on privacy

The criteria imposed in the first instance by D.Lgs. 196/2003 and then by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of personal data and sensitive data are extremely strict and outline for companies and bodies new needs of organization and expertise, necessary for adaptation to current legislation and data processing.

A solid and verticalized training, is now a fundamental requirement to be able to interpret and correctly apply the legislation. The GTC Network is able to provide all the tools needed to identify, in any kind of organization, the roles and enforcement functions of the data management and retention processes and to clearly distinguish the phases and responsibilities of each actor involved, excluding margins of confusion.

Learn more: privacy

See Also


Manager Privacy


PRIVACY – Regolamento UE 2016/679 GDPR

PRIVACY – SoggettoIncaricato Trattamento Dati

PRIVACY – SoggettoIncaricato Trattamento Dati Sensibili

Privacy Specialist – GDPR