Online il n.25 PortaleConsulenti

Online il n.25 PortaleConsulenti

The South is also preparing for recovery. Surprisingly with more grit than could be expected. The first positive signs come from services and, another interesting fact, not from large companies, but from those with less than 50 employees. Nor is it true that these are only seasonal workers, but fixed-term contracts. In short, still precarious, but no worse than in the pre-pandemic period. Rather, it is finally thought to accompany the economic recovery with equal opportunities. Because one of the biggest job gaps for the South is the absence or at least the lack of services to support workers. As minister Mara Carfagna, who knows the issue from the south, makes clear, as long as male and female workers do not have the same rights – and the example of nursery schools is clear – the gap cannot be bridged. Economic aid to businesses is therefore welcome, as long as it is integrated with work welfare. The words of the President most loved by Italians come to mind, Sandro Pertini, who in the message at the end of 1982 said: “The problem of the South cannot be considered only a problem of those regions: it must be considered a national problem if it is wants to solve it ».

In short, you cannot grow at two speeds, otherwise there will always be a slice of Italy that will lag behind and act as a ballast. Despite the skills, the intelligence, the natural resources it brings with it.