Online il n.24 PortaleConsulenti

Online il n.24 PortaleConsulenti

A changing world. And it does so at the speed of light. But the people? Are they all able to keep up with the times? To adapt to innovations? To grasp the best of technology without being engulfed in a sort of parallel universe without a soul? All questions that sociologists, various scholars and experts are asking themselves more and more anxiously and to which it is not possible to provide a univocal answer.

Progress, it is said, cannot be stopped. But it can be directed, controlled, directed. Because the real danger is that a large slice of the population remains excluded, behind, caged in a limbo unable to exploit opportunities and thus becoming “unsuitable” for the new society.

Digitization must therefore have a purpose: to simplify life and improve its quality, without however becoming the only modus vivendi, completely excluding human contacts, as the pandemic did during the lockdown.

Technological cities yes, but also cities on a human scale and for different ages. It is not possible to expect the elderly or those who do not have the necessary technological preparation to keep up with the race for innovation. Therefore we must accompany them by the hand. Also provide “guides” in the maze of smart cities. Otherwise the risk of them becoming ghost towns is real.

How real is the transformation of work that could “throw out” all those who will not be able to adapt. The real challenge is to seize the opportunities, choose what to change and safeguard everything precious so far man has created. Jobs will be lost. They will have to be replaced by others, different. But the transition must be accompanied, without leaving too many victims on the street.

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